Friday, January 06, 2006


People having Arthritis or any joint illnesses always feel that even though they have tried treating it for long time, it is not easily to be cured completely. It is because of the complexity of the joint’s structure. Once it is injured, the blood stasis will be easily trapped deep inside. It will be difficult to cure the problem thoroughly if that blood stasis could not be taken away. The Longer it is trapped within the joint, it will become thicker and the harder the problem would go away. To increase energy with gentle movements of Qigong in order to heal the particular part is actually a proper action. However, in my healing experience, it is necessary to first deal with the blood stasis within the joint. I will use a Special Snapping Method to hit the blood stasis out of the joint. When it is done, even if you have not learned Qigong, the problem will be gone soon as long as you have good blood circulation. I have heard of some special acupuncture with similar method of taking blood stasis out of the body.
There is something I want to mention here. If you injure your joint, it is good not to leave your joint hold still for long. Because It will slow down the blood circulation and create blood stasis inside, and followed by a swollen joint. It will be more difficult and take longer time to cure by then. Once your joint gets injured, you should turn and move it gently and slowly. It avoids your joint swollen at the first place. Unless a severe injury or poor blood circulation, patiently to do it for at least one or two hours will have a chance of revivification. To move and turn gently and slowly is one of main principles of Qigong. To be gentle is to be relaxed. It expands the blood vessels to allow better blood circulation. To turn slowly will direct the Energy (Qi) within the blood to move around the part. The strong blood stream with Energy continuously hits and clears any blockages within the joint eventually.
There are a few examples.
1. A friend of mine hurt her wrist. I taught her to turn it gently and slowly continuously. She did it for about two hours and her wrist revived even though she had never learned Qigong.
2. A British woman had hurt her ankle while she learned Ballet Dancing in her childhood. It had never been cured and she thought never would. She had learned Qigong from me few years ago and told me that after she continuously practiced one simple movement of Qigong with gentle twisting ankle action healed her ankle. It became more dexterous and improved better and better.
3. There was a time while I was doing stretching movements; maybe because I just got up from bed, I hurt my back quite seriously. It was so painful that I could not stand up. I did not take rest but continue turning my back slowly and gently. At first it was very painful and I can only move my back very little. I kept working on it and it finally became more flexible. I took rest for a while and carry on same movements again and again. The next day, although still with some pain, I could walk and move my body without any problem.


有一點要注意的,當我們扭傷了關節之時,不要靜止下來,使血氣停滯,一旦血氣瘀塞不通,便腫脹起來,更難治理,之後亦要治理更久,才會去腫痊癒。若可即時柔和地及耐性地轉動該扭傷了的關節,除了那些傷得太利害的,應可避免腫脹起來,自身血氣不差 的,能轉動一兩小時,應差不多痊癒了。柔和轉動,就是氣功的主要原理之一。柔和就是鬆弛,使血管擴張,血氣旺盛,繼而活動行走,冲擊經脈。轉動是帶動,推動血氣,使血氣更盛,運轉如圓,運行不息。
1. 有一朋友,她扭傷了手腕,我教她輕柔地轉動該處,她就這樣地做了約兩小時,手腕無恙了。
2. 有一外國女子,跟我學習氣功,她自己發現了,一個簡單忸轉脚跟的動作,經不斷練習,把她因少時學芭蕾舞,弄傷而根治不好的脚跟,竟然靈活了,後來亦變得越來越好。
3. 有一次,在伸展身體的時侯,可能剛起床的關係,不小心拉傷了腰背,當時痛得躺在地上爬不起來,我沒有立時休息,卻再次慢慢榣動及輕輕拉展腰部,起初是很痛及只能移動得很少,但在不斷的努力下,最後那關節亦鬆了,後來休息了一會再動,如是數次,第二天,雖仍帶點痛,但已行動如常了。


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