Friday, January 06, 2006

1. M.E. - even for old or sick people who may be weak, they can still be benefited by Qigong.
2. Arthritis - tried treating it for long time but it is not easily to be cured completely.
3. Brain Cancer - Energy will only do one thing for you—to make you natural as nature.
4. Cervical Cancer - Qigong is with such a great function to prevent or control it
5. Stomach ache experience - Meditation is with unlimited healing power.
6. Sexual Dysfunction - The Qigong I am practicing is to develop this life energy.
7. Apoplexy or Stroke - Energy Transmission is an absolute appropriate treatment towards it.

1. M.E. - 氣功對於體弱病患者,亦可給與良好幫肋。
2. 關節病患 - 這些部位是頗難治理的,往往多番治理,還是事倍功半。
3. 腦癌 - 能量是只會為你做一件事,就是把你及身體變回自然。
4. 子宮頸腫瘤 - 有足夠能量立即攻擊,免除後患,此為氣功之功用及效能了。
5. 胃傷了 - 打坐或入靜的境界是無止境的,效用亦無限。
6. 性機能失調 - 我練習的氣功,就是在鍛鍊着這一點使人產生生機之能量。
7. 中風 - 氣功的放氣治療對中風是十分之對症下藥及成功率極高的。
8. 失眠 - 不要依賴藥物,不要理會時間,平時多用感覺,少用腦袋分析思考,放鬆身體一會才睡。


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